Logo van Dutch on Track

Terms and Conditions

Here you will find the terms & conditions you have agreed to by becoming a student at Dutch on Track.


Learning a language takes time and commitment. You will need to practice at home, at the supermarket, with your neigbours, etc. On average you will have 6-8 hours of homework each week.

If you can’t come to class, please let the teacher know by sending an e-mail. Lessons missed by the student can’t be rescheduled. Retrieving (or refund) of missed lessons is not possible. Homework is  provided by the teacher.

You will receive a certificate of participation if you have been present in 80% of the lessons.

Course fees

If you have paid the course fees your spot has been reserved for you.
The course fees don’t include the book we use. Depending on the course the book costs €24,95 or €42,95. Use of the book is obligatory. 


Our courses only start with a minimum of 8 students. Should a course have to be cancelled or rescheduled, we will inform you at least three working days before the official start. You will not be charged and get a refund if you have already paid the course fees. 

Privacy & suggestions

By registering at our school you agree to our privacy policy. There’s a copy of our policy available for you at our school. If you are not satisfied with the course, please take note of our complaints procedure.